You Don’t Understand Your Illness

The first and most common reason that this happens is simply because patients don’t understand the illness that they are up against. In fact, some 10 out of 14 patients will stop taking medications because they don’t realize just how important they are to their illness.

Many patients, up to 80 percent, will take medications only because their doctor’s tell them to. Many don’t realize why they need to take the medications that they do, but simply do so because their doctor tells them to. Because people do this, it is hard to understand just how aware they are of their illness.

One of the most important things that you can do, then, is to truly understand your condition. If your loved one has bipolar disorder, then help them to stay informed about their condition. It is essential that you provide this information because without it, they may not realize the importance of taking those pills each day.

With this education, though, protection can be significant from these problems.


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